In honor of Miriam's second birthday, I will share two things Miriam-related that have happened recently.

1. I feel like I should mail IKEA a check for "babysitting" my daughter yesterday. She played with her farm animal set for two hours straight while I cleaned the house. Awesome.
2. Someone has been teaching Miriam English on the sly. We were at church today and Miriam was playing with her quiet book. There's one page where you velcro felt shape cut-outs to their matching counterparts. She picked up the tan triangle and said, out loud, "triangle."
This wouldn't be weird except I've never taught Miriam the English words for shapes. She knows them in Arabic but I'm not sure where she learned the English words.
Sooner or later we're going to have to teach her more English. The weird looks I get when I explain that you have to ask Miriam "what's your name" in Arabic in order for her to understand are getting to be a bit much.

1. I feel like I should mail IKEA a check for "babysitting" my daughter yesterday. She played with her farm animal set for two hours straight while I cleaned the house. Awesome.
2. Someone has been teaching Miriam English on the sly. We were at church today and Miriam was playing with her quiet book. There's one page where you velcro felt shape cut-outs to their matching counterparts. She picked up the tan triangle and said, out loud, "triangle."
This wouldn't be weird except I've never taught Miriam the English words for shapes. She knows them in Arabic but I'm not sure where she learned the English words.
Sooner or later we're going to have to teach her more English. The weird looks I get when I explain that you have to ask Miriam "what's your name" in Arabic in order for her to understand are getting to be a bit much.