
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Déjà vu

Just like old times: we haven't had running water in our house for part of yesterday and all day today. Someone driving on the main road perpendicular to our short lane hit our water control box (whatever that is) and the plumbers have been working on fixing it all day long. In the meantime, our water has been turned off. One of our neighbors called me earlier today, worried about how I was coping with no water since I'm the only one on our lane with a child. I just laughed and told her we'd lived in the Middle East and that it was no big deal to not have running water for days at a time.

The truth is, it kind of is a big deal, so that wasn't really the right word to use. It's just that we've been through all this before, and we inevitably find ways to cope.

It's getting old now, since it's 9 o'clock at night and I'd really like to take a shower, but it makes me laugh because one of the first things we are thankful for whenever we come back to America is that at least we can count on having running water all the time. The joke's on us, I guess.

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