For today's Flashback Friday, I went straight to my cache of photos of awkward teenage moments. I really don't have that many of them (photos, that is - I had plenty of moments), but there are a few goldens in there. Today, I bring you pictures of my friends and I taking pictures of each other, for no other reason than that it was fun.
In this age of digital cameras, I don't know if such an activity exists anymore. Back in the day, however, it was considered a fun thing to do to just get together with friends and take pictures. There was all the excitement of fooling around with your buddies, the care taken in posing for the shot, and the anticipation while you waited for the photos to be developed. You can see how this might not work with a digital camera - you can have fun with friends, sure, but when you can take a dozen practice shots and delete them all before the real one, and then download the results instantly on your computer, the "specialness" of the activity is kind of diminished.
This was in early 1997, though, when I was 15. Digital cameras may have existed back then, but they hadn't filtered down to everyday teenage usage yet. So it was that with a regular film camera, some friends and I got together for a fun-filled evening of...taking photographs.

See what I mean about having fun with the poses?

Ooh, artistic.

Aww, how sweet.

Where is that shirt?!? It was pretty much my favorite shirt ever (or the one just like it with blue sleeves) and I have no idea where it is now. Although maybe that's a good thing because I would probably wear it every day if I had it.

OK, this one is actually from Halloween when I was 15. I think I hadn't gone trick-or-treating for a couple of years, then I went that year, and maybe once more before I graduated from high school. I haven't really taken the time to form an opinion on the subject, but I think I'm OK with teenagers trick-or-treating as long as they actually dress up as something. Did my friends and I pass that test? Let's see, we've got, um, a girl in pajamas, a girl with white face paint, a princess, a...nurse? I'm something like a 60s girl, then there's army girl, and ski girl. Not too shabby!
I would give candy to us. Would you?
In this age of digital cameras, I don't know if such an activity exists anymore. Back in the day, however, it was considered a fun thing to do to just get together with friends and take pictures. There was all the excitement of fooling around with your buddies, the care taken in posing for the shot, and the anticipation while you waited for the photos to be developed. You can see how this might not work with a digital camera - you can have fun with friends, sure, but when you can take a dozen practice shots and delete them all before the real one, and then download the results instantly on your computer, the "specialness" of the activity is kind of diminished.
This was in early 1997, though, when I was 15. Digital cameras may have existed back then, but they hadn't filtered down to everyday teenage usage yet. So it was that with a regular film camera, some friends and I got together for a fun-filled evening of...taking photographs.
See what I mean about having fun with the poses?
Ooh, artistic.
Aww, how sweet.
Where is that shirt?!? It was pretty much my favorite shirt ever (or the one just like it with blue sleeves) and I have no idea where it is now. Although maybe that's a good thing because I would probably wear it every day if I had it.
OK, this one is actually from Halloween when I was 15. I think I hadn't gone trick-or-treating for a couple of years, then I went that year, and maybe once more before I graduated from high school. I haven't really taken the time to form an opinion on the subject, but I think I'm OK with teenagers trick-or-treating as long as they actually dress up as something. Did my friends and I pass that test? Let's see, we've got, um, a girl in pajamas, a girl with white face paint, a princess, a...nurse? I'm something like a 60s girl, then there's army girl, and ski girl. Not too shabby!
I would give candy to us. Would you?