
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Syrup poll results and a new poll

Thanks to everyone who helped settle a dispute in the Palmer family by voting in the syrup poll. The results speak for themselves (55 total votes):

Do you heat up the syrup before applying it to pancakes, waffles, etc.?
Yes: 16 people, or 29%.
No, although I have heard of it: 29 people, or 52%.
I've never heard of such a thing: 10 people, or 18%.

I think even Jeremy would have to admit that I am right, especially when you consider that the number of "Yes" votes was inflated by members of his immediate or extended family. I think their votes should all just count as one since they were obviously raised in the incorrect traditions of their fathers.

I like using polls to test out the waters of public opinion in our personal disagreements. Here's another one, and you need to think quickly and honestly about your answer before you're swayed by the responses of others. I'm not asking you what is right, or correct; I'm asking you what you actually say.

Is "coupon" pronounced KYOO-pon or KOO-pon?

Vote on the sidebar and comment here to defend your answer, if necessary. I'd also be interested to know where you're from to see if there is a regional effect at work here.

Flashback Friday: Midnight's Ghost Stories

Young adult book review round-up