
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Flashback Friday: Fartsy Barbie

Over the past year or two, my dad has been converting old home videos to DVD. Every once in a while, he runs across a gem, like this fake advertisement my sister and I made for a product called Fartsy Barbie.

I am going way out on a limb posting this here, by the way, so you better love it. Or else I may not post a certain other embarrassing video of myself, speaking German while attracting a husband.

What can I say? Well, for starters,
-that toy horse, like almost all of our precious girly toys, was broken, probably by our older brothers. We played with it anyway even though one leg was missing.
-Clarissa Explains It All was a major influence in my life in this time period. Can you tell?
-the soundtrack for the commercial comes from Ken Burns' The Civil War CD.
-I am way older in this video than I'd like to think I would be, doing something so silly. I guess this was before I developed a sense of shame.

If Fartsy Barbie were a real product, based on this commercial, would you buy it? I think I would. My little sister Teresa's mention of the bonus bathroom fan really sells it.

Organizing my bookshelves by color

Canada and Costco