It's De-Lurk Day! Again! — BeLonging


Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

It's De-Lurk Day! Again!

You know what I could really go for about now? A De-Lurk Day. In mid-February last year I had my inaugural De-Lurk Day. It's mid-February again, so I thought it would be nice to find out more about my readers: the ones I know, the ones I don't, the ones I've met, the ones I haven't, the ones from my hometown, the ones who are my next-door roommate's husband's cousin (or whatever). The ones from America. The ones from Finland. The ones from Jamaica. You know who you are.

To steal my own words from last year: Do you read this blog on a regular basis, or is today your first visit? How did you find this blog? Did you search for "politically correct term for eye boogers" and end up here? Did you click through from a friend of a friend of a friend's blog? Did I sit next to you in fifth grade, or live next door to you in college, or go to church with you in Syria? Or do I see you every day and not even know that you are reading this? Now is your chance to come clean and tell me that you're reading this blog.

I would love it if you took a moment to de-lurk yourself in the comments, whether you are a regular commenter or a true lurker. This is a judgment-free zone. At least for today.


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