Syria sundries — BeLonging


Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Syria sundries

I have a bunch of photos/stories from our trip to Syria I want to share but none of them deserve their own blog post. So here you go. And you're welcome!

Misspelled Mitsubishi van. See also. This one is more egregious, though.

So. Some dude noticed there were pigeons flying around by the old Roman temple in the Old City, and also noticed that kids liked to feed said pigeons. So he roped off an area of (what I assume is) public space and started selling bags of birdseed for 10 lira. BRILLIANT.

Dear American-style donut store: I could have used you back in, oh I don't know, 2005 when I was pregnant with Miriam and I would have been your best customer due to cravings. Why do you exist now??

We went to one of our old haunts, Popay's (not a typo) (at least not on my part) restaurant but it seems to have lots its hipness. All the decor and atmosphere that seemed vibrant and edgy in 2004/2005 was now just faded and limp. Hmm.

 I...don't really know what to say about this...vehicle? It's innovative, at least.

When we were at the ruins of Shahba, we got all excited when we saw this "ESPECIAL ENTRANCE" sign. We thought there must be something really cool back there. Turns out it's just some guy's house. Then we went back and read the Arabic and realized that what they meant to say is that it's a PRIVATE entrance. Big difference.

Our favorite juice shop, Tutti Frutti, has hit the big time. They got new tables, new decor, and a new menu. I am so glad for them.

Their smoothies are still amazing.

 This shirt disturbed me. The text reads: "Satisfuction MASSIVE It danexs and is leival it COAND TVINT." I feel like I need to bathe now.

Miriam had to get some antibiotics while we were there and this is what the pharmacist gave me. A packet of sterilized water and a bottle of dry antibiotic powder. You mix it yourself. We didn't need a prescription, by the way (I'm just sayin').

 This is what it's like to be a cute little blonde girl in Syria. She was mobbed wherever she went.

 This is what it's like to be Mormon in Syria. After-church dinner? Yes, please!

This has to be one of my least favorite things about Syria: you can't flush toilet paper there. I don't know what it is that gets to me so much - the constant mental vigilance it takes to keep from flushing the tp from (an entire lifetime of) habit, the grossness of that trash can sitting by the toilet, how fast that trash can fills up, or how it almost makes me throw up to empty it. Who knows?

What. on earth. are CHEWY DRAGEES? This has been bothering me for years now.

That's it!

Alexandria-Cairo train crisis

Aleppo-Cairo airplane mysteries