Stroller dilemma — BeLonging


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Stroller dilemma

We're teetering on the edge of buying another stroller - a jogging stroller. For all I laugh at people who spend $800 on strollers, I can see the joy of being really happy with a stroller that is classy and utilitarian all at once. Let's see if we ever struck that magic balance with any of the strollers we've owned.

Ghetto umbrella stroller. Purchased in Tucson in 2005. This thing was a piece of junk but isn't that the idea of umbrella strollers?

Single jogging stroller. Purchased in Tucson used on Craigslist for around $80 in 2006. We got tons of use out of this thing and then sold it in 2009 for $50. It was a champ and hardly looked worse for the wear.

Another ghetto umbrella stroller. Purchased in Amman, Jordan in 2006. For all its hideousness, this stroller busted its way through some seriously insanely urban conditions in Amman. We used it the next summer, too, and then left it at the church for others to use (and I know of at least two families who did).

Double jogger/bike trailer. Purchased from in 2006. Oh how I loved this stroller/trailer. We used it all the time in both its forms. If we could have found a way to bring it with us to Sharjah, we would have. Instead, it is currently on Ithaca's Craigslist. I can't believe it hasn't sold yet. That thing is golden. This definitely hit the "$800 stroller" sweet spot for me. Luckily, it didn't cost nearly that much.

Nice umbrella stroller. Purchased in Tucson in 2008. I was sick of the terrible old umbrella stroller. Plus, we needed a sturdy stroller to get us through our time in Middlebury since we wouldn't have a car. This one fit the bill perfectly and I continued to love it and use it in Tucson, Provo, and Ithaca. TOO BAD IT GOT STOLEN IN EGYPT LAST SUMMER. Just sayin'.

Yet another ghetto umbrella stroller. Purchased in Cairo, Egypt in 2010. It certainly gets the job done but in the most unattractive way possible. I actually feel embarrassed pushing my kid around in this stroller in public. This is the only stroller we currently own.

Which brings me to the dilemma: should we buy a single jogging stroller? Believe it or not, we have taken Magdalena running in the Egyptian umbrella stroller a couple of times but it is a truly heinous experience. Mostly I cope by making Jeremy push. Jogging strollers pop up on dubizzle (craigslist for the Middle East) often enough that I'm sure we'd score a cheap one eventually.

I think writing this post has convinced me to go for it, though my frugal nature begs me to wait for equal funds to be freed up when our double jogger/bike trailer back in Ithaca sells. However, if I send my frugal nature for ONE jog with that terrible abomination of a neon green umbrella stroller, I'm sure it will reconsider.

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