
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.


My friend Anna is one of my heroes. I met her in 2007 - her husband Chris was a student on the BYU Arabic program in Amman that Jeremy was in charge of. Not only is she effervescent and genuine, not only is she possibly the most well adjusted mother of small children I've ever met, not only did she babysit little Miriam in Amman so I could work, and not only does she consistently make me laugh hysterically, in addition to hosting my ragtag family of four in Lincoln, Nebraska on our way to Ithaca as well as on our way back...

(I could go on, can you tell?)

...but she wrote a play, and it is being produced. I KNOW.

It's called WWJD. And you should go see it. Soon. The details are here. If you, like me, are not in the Provo area, you can read the play here. I can almost promise you that you've never read anything like it. I have never seen Jesus characterized the way He is here and although I'm pretty sure someone could talk his or herself into being offended, they'd have to try pretty dang hard. (And they'd be wrong, mwahahahaha.) I've been thinking for a few minutes about how I could succinctly describe the play's tone and the best I've come up with is respectfully irreverent. Or irreverently respectful. Or brilliantly touching, or touchingly brilliant, or earnestly jovial...

Just see it (or read it) already.

Congratulations, Anna! 

Class and acronyms
