
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

NaBloPoMo is over

Another November, another NaBloPoMo done. I made it through all thirty days, but I came pretty close to not posting on two or three of them. I pre-posted (had Blogger automatically publish a post) on two days while we were camping in the Empty Quarter. I also almost consider the post I wrote about Bilingual Education to be cheating, since it was more to help me study than to contribute meaningful content to the blog.

So really, I think NaBloPoMo was easier than ever for me this year, even with my sometimes loaded schedule. Living in a foreign country provides endless fodder for blog posts, I guess. There's always something I can say about this crazy place called the UAE.

The truth is that I love NaBloPoMo more for what I get than what I give. I love reading blog updates from many friends who don't post regularly during the rest of the year. I also get to read my parents' blogs, which is nice because I get to hear stories I've never heard before. I don't think there was ever a day where I lacked for something good to read on my Google Reader queue. Thanks, everyone.

Here's to next year!

December 2nd, outsourced

Breakfast cereal in the UAE