
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

July 6th, outsourced

I love clever people: Football minus balls.

If you've never read a birth plan, this will not be funny to you. If you have, well: Jamie and Jeff's Birth Plan. [HT Liz]

A look at the audition process for the Boston Symphony Orchestra. It's amazing what these people put themselves through.

A while ago, we had some friends over for dinner and among the guests we had some food sensitivities, a vegetarian, and a diabetic. This kind of scenario is becoming more common, and the way people deal with it is changing.

Here's an interesting article about Russian (or former USSR) women who married Syrian men, and how they're dealing with the conflict there now.

Best obituary EVER. Or I should say, best LIFE ever. [HT Andrew]

I hope this doesn't ruin the new Spiderman movie for you, but, UM. [HT Eric D. Snider]

I enjoyed reading Forever Young Adult's post about their favorite YA books. Not the best books ever or the most literary or the most critically acclaimed, but their personal favorites. I was thrilled to see The Book Thief and The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks show up. And then disturbed to see Jellicoe Road. But that's the fun of lists like these, isn't it?

A missionary for The Man From Snowy River

Arab PregnancyWatch