
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

More weird stuff in my house

Once again, it's been a few years since I spent a good length of time in my childhood home. And once again, I'm noticing a few weird things here.

Liquid-hand-soap-dispenser-in-soap-dish is still around, but the soap dispenser is at least classier.

The diarrhea box is still here, too, but it has also undergone a classiness upgrade to a basket instead of an old shoe box.

The wooden goose thing is still around but I find it in all kinds of odd places since the grandkids made a plaything out of it.

Something new is the painting of The Last Supper in the garage. Interesting.

OK, I was doing some cooking and I asked my mom if she had any oregano. She pulled THIS out of her spice cabinet:
My friends, I ask you - how old do you think this bottle is? It's so old that it doesn't have a date on it. I guess it was produced before "best by" dates were required, maybe? The best part about this story is that the exact same thing happened at my MIL's house, with the exact same brand of spices. Literally, when I asked my MIL for some spices two weeks ago, she pulled out bottles that looked exactly like this one. Good on her and my mom for being Idaho housewives during the same time period (the 1970s!!!).

After my mom and I laughed for a while about the ancient oregano, she pulled out this gem, a box of baking chocolate that they found in my grandma's kitchen cabinet when she died in 1994.
Forget "best by" dates - this box is so old that it doesn't have a UPC code. Instead, it has an empty space on the box where someone can manually stamp or write the price. Wow.

Next to the ancient cocoa, we found this ancient Parowax. What is Parowax, you ask? It is "for home canning and candle making." In other words, this product was sold at a time when making candles at home was something people did. What is even more intriguing about this old box is what is handwritten on it. Take a closer look:
This also came from my grandma's house but my mom has no better guess as to what is going on here than that maybe her sister wrote this. I'll leave you with that.

August 3rd, outsourced

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