
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

December 21st, outsourced

I'm sure many of you read the "I Am Adam Lanza's Mother" article. In the interest of context, here is a response to that article.

Sometimes Buzzfeed can make you smile when nothing else does. Here are the 40 cutest things that happened in 2012. Also, 20 reasons why it was cool to be Mormon in 2012. [HT Liz]

Stalker robot horse = equal parts terrifying + hilarious (the latter especially at the 2:10ish mark).

One of the links I put up last week (about a guide to US daily life, for Russians) claimed that there is no word for "privacy" in Russian. Language Log investigated (there really isn't, it turns out).

Also re: words: 2012's worst, according to some people who really pay attention to this stuff.

Christmas in Sharjah

Books 2012: Favorites, etc.