December 28th, outsourced — BeLonging


Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

December 28th, outsourced

Just a few links for you today. It's been a quiet week.

A Downton Abbey gingerbread house. WOAH.

Facebook privacy is so confusing that even a Zuckerberg family photo isn't private.

Portraits of squashed commuters in Japan.

The story of a photographer who covered Columbine and Sandy Hook.

My new favorite video: this Norwegian guy was trekking by himself around the South Pole for three months when he came upon his last cache that he had buried so long before that he couldn't remember what was in there. May we all have the same reaction next time we see a bag of cheesy puffs. (Just watched it again and noticed that the English subtitles have some profanity. So maybe just watch it in Norwegian. The words aren't important.)

Great-Uncle Glade

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