
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Downton Abbey Season 5 (no spoilers)

No, Sybil does not come back from the dead in Season 5, but I loved this picture so I am using it.
I'm watching Downton Abbey Season 5 along with the Brits. All by my lonesome, too, since Jeremy checked out after Season 3 and hasn't come back. There are things that bother me about the show, too, but I've found that Downton Abbey makes me feel cosy - like all is right in the world. I associate it strongly with our time here - Season 1 started just after we moved to the UAE. I don't always care about the intricacies of all the plot lines - I'm just happy to be tucked into bed after a long day and spending some time with interesting people having romantical problems in the (increasingly less) olden days.

No spoilers for now, though. I am writing up posts as I watch to put on the blog once the season starts in the US. See you then!

September 2014 books

October 10th, outsourced