My rating: 3 of 5 stars
3.5 stars. It's not that the book wasn't good, it's just that it could have been better. It was organized very strangely and was always cutting away from a particular family's narrative just when I'd figured out which Johann he was talking about. I also call shenanigans on the author somehow knowing the inner thoughts of people right before they died.
However, much of the story of this blizzard is riveting enough that it doesn't matter how oddly this book presents it. Just don't expect to be able to tell one Johann from another.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This case has fascinated me for years, and seriously everything on the internet ever written about it is stupid and incomplete. ENTER THIS BOOK. The author is not afraid to show that he's basically an amateur who just wants to find out what happened. But his non-knowing stance makes sure we start at ground zero and build toward greater knowledge throughout the book. He doesn't assume we know anything, and he doesn't assume any of the secondary sources got it right: he goes right to the people and documents that told the story originally and draws his conclusions from there.
Ah yes, conclusions: does he make any? YES. And I think he presents a very plausible explanation for what happened. (view spoiler) Also, as much as I've read about this case online, as much as I thought I knew about all the crazy crackpot theories and bizarre details out there, this case is actually WEIRDER than I ever knew. There were times in the book where I was just like, "no waaaaaayyyyyy!!!" That last photograph from the camera, for example. I just. Wow.
Bonus factor: this book would be worth it for the pictures alone. I love pictures in historical books and this guy did not skimp. Well done.["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I owe this a re-read sometime in the near future. I only ever read a few pages at a time due to being busy, and so I often couldn't remember who knew what, or who was lying about what, etc. My first impression is that this book is needlessly complicated, but I'm open to the possibility that it is actually deliciously complicated. We shall see.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Probably more like 3.5 stars, but I give this series big points for being a super exciting ride. I've seen reviews saying these books are unoriginal, but I find them quite unique in many ways. Maybe I just don't read enough post-apocalyptic alien stuff.
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My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Meh. I still think the first book of this series was really good, but it's been all downhill from there. Still good for a light, quick read, though. Say, in the airport when your flight has been delayed for five hours.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Deeply unsatisfying, and contrived to be so. I did enjoy getting to feel like I was reading Romeo + Juliet for the first time again, though.
And the author's writing style is to die for. The relationships she writes hurt so much they feel good. Even if I did want to chuck the book out the window at the end. At least everyone in this book is smart. They may make the wrong choices sometimes (all the time...) but they do have good reasons.
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