
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Anatomy of a miscommunication

A friend is staying with us for a few days. He arrived on Friday in the middle of the night (4am) so we left a note to welcome him rather than doing so in person. Jeremy wrote it while I was in the shower and then went to bed. When I came out of the shower, here's what I read: (sorry for the scribbles. Magdalena got to it before I could take a picture):
"Hello Spencer, Next time bring your family please. Help yourself to water in the fridge, and food."
Normal enough so far, right? But then I continued reading:

"-Use bathroom w/door open."
Huh? Seriously, what? I could not figure this one out. I thought maybe it was a half-hearted reference to the weirdest Craigslist ad ever, but it didn't quite fit in. Eventually, I puzzled out my best guess at Jeremy's meaning:

"I think he means 'don't close the door all the way b/c it's really loud.'"
Ah, problem solved. Now Spencer wouldn't be freaked out by his hosts. Except Jeremy got up sometime during the night to see if Spencer had arrived (he hadn't), saw my addendum to the note, and added:

"No, I mean use the bathroom that has an open door. Don't use the bathroom behind the closed door. That's where the thing lives that guards a gateway to another dimension. Never look at it."
A clarification, sure (we technically have two bathrooms but one of them is, um, not intended to be used so we keep the door closed), but then it trails into a very clear reference to this video:

In conclusion, Spencer did arrive safely and was thankfully clear on which bathroom to use, but I'm not sure he got a lot of sleep since he was probably pondering the last part of that note. As it was, I didn't see Jeremy's additions until the morning and then it made me laugh and laugh and laugh.

Well, DO YOU?

Flashback Friday: Revenge of Royal Jordanian